May 28, 2019

Conversazioni fra le nuvole

by Angela Bertoli in Conversations among clouds, Events

Conversazioni tra le nuvole
Arch. Antonio CITTERIO

Creative Process: how to do it?

On 28th May 2019 the talks entitled “Conversazioni tra le Nuvole” have been opened by Antonio Citterio, architect and designer, founder of the well-known Citterio-Viel International Firm.
He was asked to speak about Creativity. Antonio Citterio recalling his very special 40 years career, ended up specifying that “Creativity is spontaneous, it is present in all of us even though at times we cannot realize it”.
Citterio delighted us precising that “there is no Creativity without hard work”; finally, Creativity evolved: “Creativity is unconsciousness and surprizing, at the first times, but then it turns into experience and you can manage it more easily”.
We are sure that even the lawyers need creativity. We got it!