The most important experiences of the last 3 years

  • legal advisory, strategic infrastructure, Milan (Metro line);
  • legal advisory, public owned company, strategic infrastructure (railway line);
  • collaborative contracting procurement;
  • legal assistance, FAC-1 (Framework Alliance Contract, the first standard model of collaborative contract adapted to the Italian legal context for the realisation of complex works);
  • Building Information Modelling and Legal BIM;
  • legal assistance, Union of Municipalities, drafting of tender documents for the realisation of an educational infrastructure with BIM technology;
  • legal advisory, management of the tender procedures and transactive proceedings, Big Events;
  • urban development, Milan;
  • foundation, education and culture;
  • legal advisory, real estate sector, town-planning agreement for the development of a vast area in the centre of Milan;
  • drafting, tender procedures’ acts; counselling, remediation consortium and company, cultural and touristic valorisation of Sistema Navigli;
  • legal counselling, Municipality, sub-concession of telecommunication networks and their consequent ownership;
  • advisory, expropriation procedure;
  • legal counselling and assistance, national advertising companies;
  • due diligence activities, leading national and international credit institutions, administrative and property laws’ aspects.