She is an attorney registered to practice law in front of higher jurisdictions, she is the founder and name partner of the Firm and a well-established practitioner in the field of administrative law. She deals with the Firm’s judicial and out-of-court activities, she is an expert of public and private contracts drafting, public companies, sustainable development strategies, and territorial development.
She is Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Milan, where she teaches Administrative and Environmental law, Public Economic Law and Public-Private Partnership for Sustainable Development.
She is Scientific Director of the Center of Construction Law & Management – CCLM, she is founding member and President of the European Association of Public-Private Partnership – E.A.P.P.P, she is an Academic Member of the Plan Procurement Law Academic Network – PLAN, and she was a Board Member of the UNIMI Foundation.
She is one of the first Italian jurists to have dealt with Legal BIM.
She is author of more than 50 scientific publications, both in Italian and English, and panellist in numerous
national and international conferences.
Sara Valaguzza, Attorney at Law and Professor

Eugenio Pizzaghi, Attorney at Law

He mainly deals with town planning, construction and environmental issues, both in an out-of-court and dispute resolution levels.
Previously, he has collaborated with the legal department of a multinational company in the field of telecommunication services and also with a primary international legal firm.
He shares his passion for built environment and urban development with Clients, both private subjects and public administrations.
His excellent knowledge of English, his promptness and thoroughness in giving feedback, allow him to understand the Clients’ needs, also of foreign Clients who invest in important real estate developments on the Italian territory.
Monica Lauro, Attorney at Law

She provides assistance in out-of-court activities in the field of public contractual law; in particular, she has gained her experience in the solution of complex issues concerning the execution of concession contracts, building and management of line infrastructure. She also gained expertise in the field of tax litigation and civil disputes.
Thanks to her practice in criminal law, she is able to thoroughly draft and implement organizational, management and assessment models in compliance with the Legislative Decree n. 321/2001, in addition to provide useful assistance in criminal proceedings and trials.
Monica is a very appreciated practitioner for her problem-solving approach.
Chiara Pagliaroli, Attorney at Law

Chiara joined the firm in 2021 and she is in charge of tenders and the public contracts. She has been practicing both in and out-of-court disputes resolution and litigations and she has gained significant experience in the main areas of administrative law. Furthermore, at the very beginning of her career she carried out an internship at Lombardy Regional Administrative Court (Tar). In 2015 she was shortlisted among one thousand young successful lawyers and joined the co-branding “Road Show” organized by Cassa Forense in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore editorial group. In 2015 she started collaborating with the Rivista Giuridica dell’Edilizia. She is “Cultore della Materia” in tenders and in environmental law at University of Brescia, Law department. She is the author of a number of publications in administrative law journals.
Martina Mincuzzi, Attorney at Law

Graduated with honors from the University of Trento, her final dissertation was titled: “Baratto amministrativo: tra profili innovativi e incertezze normative”. During her academic career, she developed a significant interest in administrative law, with particular reference to public contracts. The knowledge of English allowed her to spend a period studying abroad (at Queen’s University Belfast), during which she was able to gain a deeper understanding of topics of law and gender, environmental law and European law. In addition to English, she speaks French and Spanish.
Gabriele Cuomo, Dr

Graduated with honors from the Bocconi University of Milan, he wrote a thesis in constitutional justice entitled: “The amici curiae in proceedings before the Constitutional Court, between the need for openness to civil society and the risks of politicization”. During his academic career he He is passionate about substantive and procedural administrative law, with particular reference to the subject of public contracts. His knowledge of the English language allowed him to spend two periods of study abroad (at the Esade Law School in Barcelona and the Freie Universität in Berlin). Driven by his passion for public law, he has taken part in various research projects, collaborating with teachers, scientific journals and research centres.
Gabriele Di Fazio, Dr

Graduated from the University of Trento, he wrote a thesis entitled: “Prevention and resolution of disputes in public procurement: the Technical Advisory Board in a national and comparative perspective”. At the same University he was a teaching tutor for the subjects of administrative, constitutional and international law, as well as, as a student representative, a member of the Board of Directors for the academic years 2022-2024. During his university studies he became interested in the subject of public contracts and spent a period of study abroad at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), where he was able to deepen his knowledge of European public law. He speaks fluent English and French.
Emanuele Brasca, Dr

Graduated with honors from the University of Trento with a thesis entitled: “The digitalisation of public contracts in the new Code (Legislative Decree 36/2023)”. During his academic career he focused his interest on public contracts and the digitalisation process that has affected him in recent years, dealing with the related issues. He speaks English fluently.
Silvia Di Puppo

Silvia in charge of the administrative function of the firm and its information technology infrastructure. She cooperates with the communication and marketing team to organize and planning workshops and events. Silvio is a dynamic and a resourceful person and she deals with organization practices in the digital transformation process of the Firm.